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Influence of phacoemulsification technique on macular thickness
Poster Details
First Author: C.Gürez TURKEY
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
To compare macular thickness before and after cataract surgery using ozil versus ultrasound phacoemulsification technique.
bagcilar education and research hospital
A prospective study was conducted on 94 eyes of 82 patients who had phacoemulsification. This study was comprised of consecutive eligible cataract patients operated with phacoemulsification technique performed by the same surgeon using either a Infiniti ULTRASOUND type (transversal, group 1) or Infiniti OZil IP (torsional, group 2) machine.Phacoemulsification was performed ozil vs ultrasound technique with infiniti. Measurements of macular thickness were performed preoperatively, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months after surgery using the OCT technique.
The 82 patients had a mean age of 76 ± 8.3 years. Baseline characteristics in the groups were similar. The median nuclear sclerosis grade was 3 (2-4) in the first group and 2 (2-4). The mean macular thickness at baseline were 221 ± 72 μm in group 1, and 219 ± 69 μm in group 2 (P >0.05). At third month the mean macular thickness were 234 ± 75 μm in group 1, and 232 ± 71 μm in group 2 (P >0.05). There was statistically significant difference in macular thickness between baseline and third month (P<0.05), but there was not statistically significant difference between two groups (P >0.05).
Mean macular thickness increased after cataract surgery. Phacoemulsification technique has not influence on changes of macular thickness.
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