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Evaluation of fixation stability in patients before and after cataract surgery: preliminary results

Poster Details

First Author: S.Farina ITALY

Co Author(s):    A. Panico   R. Bellucci   M. Morales   C. Rui   M. McDonald        

Abstract Details


To evaluate the benefit of fixation analysis in patients scheduled for cataract surgery with unknown macular abnormalities before and after cataract removal.


Ophthalmic Unit,University Hospital of Verona, Italy


13 patients scheduled for cataract surgery, with unknown retinal pathologies, underwent the SLO-microperimeter test to evaluate fixation characteristics.A 10° diameter, 37 stimuli points MAIA (Centervue Italy) SLO-microperimetry examination was conducted in 13 patients before, 1 week, and 1 month after cataract surgery.Patients were asked to fixate on the microperimeter target during the whole examination and to press a push button when perceiving light stimuli projected in the macular area. The MAIA calculates retinal sensitivity, fixation stability, and the locus of fixation.


Cataract grade was 2+ or 3+ in all patients. All patients demonstrated an increase in their mean macular sensitivity after the surgery. Before cataract surgery, 10 eyes were categorized as fixation stable, 1 (Pt 8) as relatively stable and 2 (Pt 4 and Pt 6) as unstable fixation. After the surgery, all 3 patients with unstable fixation increased their fixation to stable. However 2 patients (Pt 3 and Pt 7) showed a decrease in fixation stability. Two patients (Pt 3 and Pt 4) demonstrated an increase in fixation stability 1 week postoperative but their stability decreased at 1 month postoperative.


Even though the increase in macular sensitivity and fixation stability after cataract removal was not unexpected; the cases with increased fixation behavior 1 week after surgery, followed by a decreased stability 1 month after surgery were unexpected; we theorize that these patients may have developed cystoid macular edema. Further studies are planned to understand such phenomenon, including preoperative and postoperative OCTs of the macula. These are the preliminary results from our clinical practice as part of a multicenter study aimed to evaluate macular function before and after cataract surgery with SLO-Microperimetry in 300 patients.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors is employed by a for-profit company with an interest in the subject of the presentation, One or more of the authors receives consulting fees, retainer, or contract payments from a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented

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