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Toric IOL alignment with manual marking system vs a computerized, image-based system

Poster Details

First Author: F.Camesasca ITALY

Co Author(s):    P. Vinciguerra   R. Vinciguerra   S. Trazza              

Abstract Details


To compare results of cataract surgery in astigmatic eyes receiving a toric IOL aligned with a manual marking system vs. a computerized, ocular image-based system.


Eye Center, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Rozzano, Italy


We compared 42 astigmatic eyes aligned with a slit-lamp marking system (Group 1) vs. 30 eyes aligned with a computerized, ocular image-based system (Verion, Group 2). Verion system preoperatively detects scleral vessels, limbal, pupil and iris features, and intraoperatively injects alignement axis image in the microscope view, identifying ocular features and automatically accounting for cyclorotation. We evaluated one-month results, also measuring objective intraocular astigmatism with OPD aberrometer. All eyes were operated by the same surgeon (same SIA).


After toric IOL implantation, mean subjective astigmatism changed from -2.15±1.73 D to -0.63±0.66 D in Group 1, and from -2.48±1.16 D to -0.40±0.28 D in Group 2 (p< .05). Axis difference between IOL alignement based on preoperative corneal astigmatism and objective intraocular astigmatism was 12.86±13.63 degrees in Group 1 vs 7.50±3.63 degrees in Group 2 (p<.01). Topographic astigmatism remained unchanged.


Computerized ocular image-based system provided greater reduction of subjective astigmatism and more precise IOL alignement in astigmatic cataract surgery eyes than manual marking system.

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