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The Miniflex Toric: a new IOL option for the treatment of corneal astigmatism

Poster Details

First Author: G.shimoda BRAZIL

Co Author(s):    T. Shimoda   G. Shimoda   H. Araki              

Abstract Details


To evaluate the efficiency of a toric lens after cataract surgery in patients with corneal astigmatism.


Hospital dia de olhos CEMOA, Atibaia ,Brazil


51 eyes with a cataract and corneal astigmatism were implanted with the Miniflex Toric lens(Mediphacos, Brazil). Biometry with IOLMaster was used, and mediphacos calculator to calculate the lens power, incision and lens axis. The lens and incision axis were marked with electronic marker(Akahoshi2930-ASICO). An incison 2.75mm was made; capsulectomy at about 4.5mm following phacoemulsification(Centurion-Alcon) and lens implantation in the bag in the axis determinate under topic anesthesia and sadation. The lens axis were checked immediately after surgery with OPDscanIII(Nidek-Japan) Visual, refraction and the lens axis were assessed at 1,3,and 6 months postoperative.


All patients had visual acuity 20/30 or better without correction. Refraction was -1.00D to +0.50D and the residual astigmatism was between 0.25DC to 1.00DC. Lens rotation was minor in 47 (2 to 5 degrees) and in 3 eyes( 6 to 10 degrees) 1 eye( 14 degrees). in 3 eyes, however, the lens rotated by 7 degrees, requiring lens realignment.


Implantation of the Miniflex Toric led to good visual outcomes with lithe residual astigmatism. This lens also has good stability with admissible lens rotation observed in this group of patients.

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