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Pupil diameter study

Poster Details

First Author: O.Martínez SPAIN

Co Author(s):    A. Martinez   D. Nahra                 

Abstract Details


To compare pupil size measurements using Colvard pupillometer and Rosenbaum – like pocket vision screen card


Ophthalmology Service - Parc Salut Mar - UAB - UPF - BARCELONA - SPAIN


We used both: Rosenbaum-like pocket vision screen card and the Colvard pupillometer to collect this data- Measurements were performed by the same clinicians in a windowless room and in two light conditions: scotopic (only Colvard measures) and high-mesopic (200lux)


There was a strong association between reading with Colvard pupillometer and Rosenbaum-like pocket vision screen card (p<0,001) The agreement between the two methods (Colvard and Rosenbaum) calculated intraclass correlation coefficient was 0,902 (95% C:I:0,843-0,940) Statistical analysis: Pearson’s correlation coefficient, interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and linear simple regression were used and all analysis were performed with SPSS 15.0


There is a strong correlation of pupil size under scotopic conditions and high mesopic conditions, both measured by Colvard pupillometer (p<0,001 and r2 =0,571). Rosenbaum-like pocket vision creen card allows measure of pupil diameter in light conditions.

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