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Comparison of OZil IP versus tortional and longitudinal fixed combination in facoemulsifications of grade 4 cataracts

Poster Details

First Author: S.Kerci TURKEY

Co Author(s):    T. Kusbeci   B. Yuksel   D. Uzunel              

Abstract Details


To compare the safety and efficacy of phacoemulsification surgeries performed with the Ozil Intelligent Phaco (IP) torsional mode and combined torsional and longitudinal ultrasound (US) mode in grade 4 cataracts.


Department of Ophthalmology, Bozyaka Education and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey.


In our prospective randomized comparative study, 238 eyes were performed phacoemulsification using the Ozil IP torsional mode (group 1) or fixed combined torsional and longitudinal US mode (group 2). The primary outcome measures were US time (UST), cumulative dissipated energy (CDE), central corneal thickness (CCT), number of the occlusions (checked by watching videos), mean operation time and surgical complications.


Each groups included 119 eyes. UST, CDE, CCT, mean operation time and surgical complications were similar. Number of the occlusions were significantly higher in group 1 (p˂0.01). As the number of occlutions increased, CCT, CDE and UST was statistically higher in group 1 (p˂0.05).


Even though the addition of the longitudinal function to ozil was accepted to be decreasing the efficay of the tortional function. Increased number of the occlutions may cease this difference.

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