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Phacoemulsification in patients with zonular weakness

Poster Details

First Author: N.Zavgorodnja UKRAINE

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


Efficiency of the modified method of implantation of capsulartensionring is estimated in cataractsurgery for the patients with zonular weakness.


Zaporizhzhya State Medical University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine


91 patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the method of ring setting. For stabilizing of capsule bag position the implantation of capsule ring was executed according to our proposed method of ring setting (patent on useful model No 66670). The difference technique is that one end of ring was entered under the anterior capsule into the capsular bag from the opposite side of maximal damage of zonular ligaments, and the second one was left on iris, or outside the port.


When diagnosing clinical signs of lens subluxation endocapsular ring implantation is recommended before the beginning of phacoemulsification cataract, that enables to decrease the risk of complications development. Evaluation of intraoperative complications showed a significant difference in the groups. Hhyphema during the operation were observed in two cases (4,25%) in the first group and in five cases (10,87%) in the second one. In the comparison group in 4 cases (8,69%) registered rupture of posterior capsule, in the main group rupture of posterior capsule without vitreous prolapse fixed in 1 case (2,13%).


The offered method of implant capsular ring gives the opportunity to decrease of 28,43% for complications, and also to avoid such heavy operating complications, as a vitreous prolapse, displacement of the eye lens fragments in a vitreous body, dug up capsule bag.

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