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The herb is not so innocent
Poster Details
First Author: M.Tsatsos UK
Co Author(s): C. MacGregor N. Kopsachilis P. Hossain D. Anderson
Abstract Details
To analyse the contents and potential effects of a adrenergic antagonist containing herbal medications and supplements in Europe and North America.
Southampton University Hospitals
Prospective analysis of internet based websites of nationally wide pharmacies and alternative therapies stores in major European counties and North America.
An average of 4 different a adrenergic antogonist containing supplements and alternative therapies in non-prescription products were identified in major European countries and an average of 3 products were found in most of the united States.
Patients often do not consider herbal remedies and vitamins to be medication and therefore fail to mention them unless directly prompted to do so. Our study helps to emphasize the importance of asking directly for the use of certain medications that could be associated with increased risk of complications. The need to specifically ask for all possible medications used by the patient including the herbal medication used for BPH cannot be overstressed.
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