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Unhappy patient after uneventful phaco surgery
Poster Details
First Author: M.Saad EGYPT
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
This work aims at studying causes of of unhappiness of some patients underwent successful cataract extraction with phaco.
This work was carried on patients attended El Shefa Eye Center at Assiut, Egypt between Feb and Aug 2014.
Retrospective randomized study on 200 patients under went successful phaco surgery at El Shefa Eye Center between Feb and Aug 2014 All patient had been fully evaluated at second post operative week.
Thirty six ( 18 % ) of patient were unhappy . eighteen (9%) due to unsatisfactory visual outcome mostly astigmatism more than 3 D (7%) ,(2%) had CME.
Five percent experienced some postoperative pain or discomfort,(2%) had intolerable cyanopsia. Two percent had dry eye and one percent of patients were psychopathic.
Not all patients undergo successful cataract surgery will be happy so every effort might exerted to get more patient satisfaction.
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