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Comparative characteristic of two- and three-planed incisions

Poster Details

First Author: S.Nikolashin RUSSIA

Co Author(s):    O. Fabrikantov   V. Kozlov   E. Pirogova              

Abstract Details


To perform the comparative characteristic of two- and three-planed incision alterations depending on the created profile and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation technique.


The Academician S.N. Fyodorov FSBI IRTC “Eye Microsurgery” Tambov branch, Tambov, Russia.


To determine the cataract incision reliability, the trauma magnitude and nature in phacoemulsification and IOL implantation depending on the created profile and IOL implantation technique 96 incisions (100%) were analyzed and divided into two groups of patients: Group I – the patients undergone the three-planed incision creation – 51 (53.1%) cases Group II – two-planed incision – 45 (46.9%). According to the IOL implantation technique the groups were divided into two subgroups: - IOL implantation technique implying cartridge insertion into the anterior chamber (I subgroup); - “wound assist” IOL implantation when the tunnel incision functioned as the cartridge extension.


Mean total length of the three-planed incision was 1845±267 microns, thickness - 972±122 microns. The two-planed incision length was 1592±262 microns, thickness - 870±122 microns. The analysis of the complications obtained in two- and three-planed incision surgery showed that the gaping of the incision interior part was 34.4% (33 eyes) in group I, in group II – 25.0% (24 eyes). Descemet’s membrane detachment was observed in 22.0% (21 eyes) of cases in group I, and in group II – 7.3% (7 eyes).


The analysis of the complications obtained in IOL implantation according to the technology implying cartridge insertion into the anterior chamber or “wound assist” technology showed that their number was approximately identical. To decrease the gaping of the tunnel interior part in any kind of the incision the exterior/interior lip thickness ratio should be not less than 2:1. To decrease the Descemet’s membrane detachment probability the interior bulging of the corneal incision should be absent or minimum. The implantation technique didn’t influence the interior part gaping of the corneal incision and Descemet’s membrane detachment.

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