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The role of optical coherence tomography of the macula in the early postoperative period after phacoemulsification of cataract

Poster Details

First Author: A.Maruchnenro RUSSIA

Co Author(s):    V. Polyakova   I. Melichova                 

Abstract Details


To reveal the presence of macular edema using OCT and evaluate its characteristics in patients in the early postoperative period after the phacoemulsification (PE ) of cataract.


70 patients (70 eyes) were examined after uneventful PE, which was performed by the standard technology.


OCT was performed on the first postoperative day and after a month.


1 day after PE in 13 eyes (18.6%) were diagnosed with macular edema, characterized by moderate diffuse edema of the neuroepithelium (NE), mainly in the outer nuclear layer, small cysts in the fovea. NE detachment of extended to the vascular arcades with a maximum height at the fovea (530 ± 22,5 microns). In the foveolar zone NE detachment was more pronounced than the height of edema (180 ± 12,5 microns). BCVA ranged from 0.2-0.6. After 3-5 days of conventional postoperative treatment both NE detachment and edema dissolved, BCVA restored to 0.6-1.0. OCT picture at 1 month showed no signs of NE detachment and edema.


Early macular edema picture after uneventful PE has the specific OCT picture and is characterized by favorable outcome. Patients with low BCVA should be examined to exclude macular edema. No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned.

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