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Comparison of three designs of PCO-preventing rings

Poster Details

First Author: G.Kleinmann ISRAEL

Co Author(s):    L. Slutzky                    

Abstract Details


To investigate three designs of open capsule ring (OCR) with different size and density of side wall apertures on PCO and Sommering's ring formation


Ophthalmology Department, Kaplan Medical Center and Harlan Biotec, Israel


24 NZW rabbits' eyes were divided into 3 groups. 3 different OCRs were implanted into the capsular bag after crystalline lens evacuation. Group A (n=8): 190 degrees of large side wall apertures, group B (n=9): 90 degrees of small side wall apertures, and group C (n=7): 175 degrees of small side wall apertures. The same intraocular lens was then implanted into the OCR. A weekly slit lamp exam was performed for the 6 weeks of the study duration. After 6 weeks the rabbits were scarified, the eyes were enucleated and fixated and then evaluated using the Miyake-Apple view and histology.


Similar low PCO levels and Sommering's ring formation were found in all the study groups. Six weeks slit lamp PCO level were: A: 0.4±0.7, B: 0.8±0.8, C: 0.4±0.8; p=0.5. Histology PCO level were: A: 0±0, B: 0.7±0.1, C: 0.4±1.1; p=0.25, Sommering's Ring area(%): A: 24+14, B: 23+12, C: 20+14; p=0.38. Area of Sommering's ring protrusion inside the OCR (%): A: 12+10, B:10+9, C: 9+9, P=0.31.


The three OCR designs showed similar PCO and Sommering's ring prevention. There was no difference in the Sommering's ring protrusion inside the different OCRs.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors receives consulting fees, retainer, or contract payments from a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented, One or more of the authors research is funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented

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