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The role of microperimetry in diagnosis and follow-up of pseudophakic cystoid macular edema
Poster Details
First Author: C.Ekinci TURKEY
Co Author(s): I. Onur B. Ufuktepe U. Yigit
Abstract Details
To investigate the role of microperimetry in diagnosis and follow-up of Irvine Gass Syndrome.
Istanbul Bakirkoy Training and Research Hospital Ophthalmology Department
56 eyes of 28 patients who had uneventful cataract surgery in our clinic with fellow eye’s best corrected visual acuity is 10/10 were included the study. Operated eye was determined as case group and fellow eye was selected as control group. On the 6th week, 12th week and 6th month, all the patients underwent full ophthalmic examination including macular thickness analysis (central macular, parafoveal and choroidal thickness), morphologic investigation (Raster lines) with OCT and examination of foveal and parafoveal sensitivity with microperimetry.
Cystoid macular edema was detected in 2 cases (%7.14). On the 6th week while 9 patients (%32,1) had BCVA less than 10/10, there was no statistically significant difference between the case and control groups on the 12th week and 6th month. There was no significant difference between the case and control groups in terms of foveal and parafoveal sensitivity, central macular, parafoveal and choroidal thickness. While there was significant increase in case group in terms of parafoveal sensitivity on the 6th and 12th weeks, there was no statistically significant difference on the 6th month. Also there was no significant difference in choroidal thickness between two groups.
This study did not show that microperimetric examination is a more sensitive tool for the diagnosis of Irvine Gass Syndrome. However, choosing cases through pseudophakic eyes as control group can change the result.
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