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Use of epinephrine, atropine and high viscose methylcellulose in patients on tamsolusin compared with patients without above injections
Poster Details
First Author: H.Behboudi IRAN
Co Author(s): M. Mohammadi Y. Alizadeh H. Yourdkhani H. Behboudi
Abstract Details
: patients on Tamsolusin are predisposed to intraoperative Floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) . management of this problem is the goal of my study.
Department of Ophthalmology ,Amiralmomenin Hospital and Farabi Surgical Clinic
in our prospective study ,patients divided into two groups .the first group have mean age 69±6 and the second have 67±7. Epinephrine ,Atropine and high viscose methylcellulose used in the first group ( 62 patients on Tamsolusin) and second group ( 62 patients on Tamsolusin) operated in conventional phaco without above injections.
in the first group iris prolapsus occurred in 8 cases and the remained cases have normal phaco procedure .in the second group iris prolapsus occurred in 27 cases.
: intraoperative injection of epinephrine , Atropine and high viscose methylcellulose with small phaco injection significantly decrease intraoperative IFIS.
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