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Outcomes of pupil dilatation methods during phacoemulsification in eyes with posterior synechiae secondary to uveitis

Poster Details

First Author: T.Alpar Akcetin TURKEY

Co Author(s):    K. Eltutar   A. Tekin Buyrukcu   B. Karini              

Abstract Details


Evaluation of efficacy and safety of pupil dilatation methods during phacoemulsification in eyes with posterior synechiae secondary to uveitis.


Forty six eyes (n=46) of 40 patients with posterior synechiae secondary to uveitis who underwent phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation at İstanbul Research and Training Hospital between years 2000-2013 were enrolled in this retrospective study.


Eyes which were quiescent at least for the last 3 months were operated. The mean follow-up time was 24 months (8-60 months). The etiology of uveitis, visual acuities, intra-operative and post-operative complications were evaluated post-operatively.


The mean age of the patients was 44,6 years. The mean follow-up time was 18,6±6,2 months.10 eyes had posterior synechiae and 36 eyes had seclusio pupillae at the pre-operative evaluation.Despite of viscodilatation and synechiolysis,iris hooks(12 eyes),Morcher pupillary ring(28 eyes),Malyugin ring(6 eyes) were used.The mean pre-operative BCVA was 1.49 ± 0.39 logMAR and the mean post-operative BCVA was 0.64±0.42 logMAR(p ˂ 0.001).The post-operative complications were: PCO in 23 eyes,CME in 10 eyes,fibrinous reaction in anterior chamber in 8 eyes ,development of posterior synechiae in 6 eyes,recurrens of inflammation in 5 eyes.The shape of a round pupil was preserved in 34 eyes in which pupillary ring was used and sphincter damage occured only in eyes where iris hooks were used.


During phacoemulsification surgery in patients with cataract and posterior synechiae secondary to uveitis: iris hooks, Morcher pupillary ring and Malyugin ring can be applied in an efficient and safe manner. The most important advantage of pupillary ring is that the pupil remains uniformly round and dilated at every stage during the operation. Also the pressure applied is evenly and equally distributed all around the pupillary margin so the chance of sphincter damage is less compared to iris hooks.

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