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Detection of initial keratoconus by evaluating the analysis of corneal volumetric and surface changes

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Session Details

Session Title: Presented Poster Session: Cornea – Medical

Session Date/Time: Saturday 05/09/2015 | 09:30-11:00

Paper Time: 09:40

Venue: Poster Village: Pod 4

First Author: : J.Alió SPAIN

Co Author(s): :    F. Cavas-Marti­nez   P. Sanz-Diez   E. De la Cruz-Sanchez   A. Vega-Estrada   A. Plaza-Puche   D. Fernandez-Pacheco

Abstract Details


To investigate and perform a corneal model characterization to create a new criterion to distinguish clinical diagnosis and possible differences between healthy corneas and corneas with abnormal corneal topography using volumetric and surface changes.


Vissum Corporation, Alicante, Spain. Department of Graphical Expression, Technical University of Cartagena, Spain. Functional Genoachitecture Group, University of Murcia, Spain.


This was a retrospective case series study evaluating a total of 120 subjects, which were divided into two groups, healthy and subclinical keratoconus corneas. The first group consisted of 89 healthy eyes of 89 patients with mean age of 37.49 ± 15.11 years. The second group consisted of 31 eyes of 31 patients diagnosed with subclinical keratoconus with mean age of 34.72 ± 11.12 years. Corneal volumetric and surface variables were defined throughout a geometrical custom modeling using data from a point cloud obtained from a corneal surveyor, and comparing this measurements between both groups in order to analyze differences.


Patients in the pathological group showed a statistically significant decrease in total corneal volume (p<0.05). Regarding the corneal surfaces, both the anterior and the posterior surfaces were statistically lower in subjects with healthy corneas (p<0.05). The predictive value of the modeled variables has been established using a ROC analysis. We observed that the parameter that provides a higher rate of discrimination between both groups was the Posterior apex deviation (area: 0.883, p<0.000, std. error: 0.041, 95% CI: 0.800 a 0.964), and the cutoff value obtained was 0.0655mm, with a sensitivity and specificity associated of 90.32% and 34.83%, respectively.


Most of the variables analyzed show statistically significant differences between both groups confirming that using volumetric and surface analysis may discriminate between subclinical keratoconic corneas and healthy corneas.

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