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Dry eye parameter changes in diabetic patients with the presence of diabetic neuropathy

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Session Details

Session Title: Presented Poster Session: Cornea – Medical

Session Date/Time: Saturday 05/09/2015 | 09:30-11:00

Paper Time: 10:50

Venue: Poster Village: Pod 4

First Author: : E.Sogutlu Sari TURKEY

Co Author(s): :    A. Yazici   G. Sahin   S. Ermis   H. Kurt   R. Koc        

Abstract Details


To compare dry eye parameters changes related with the presence of neuropathy in dıabetic patients.


Prospective, randomized, controlled trial


Patients who have type 2 diabetes mellitus(DM) diagnosis recently and new diagnosed examined in Ophthalmology department and who have normal retinal findings or background diabetic retinopathy (mild-moderate non proliferative diabetic retinopathy) were included. 90 patients have directed to Neurology department to evaluate the presence of peripheric diabetic neuropathy with electromyelogram(EMG). The control group comprised 40 healthy individuals of similar age to those in the study groups, with normal visual acuity and no corneal pathology. Schirmer test, tear break up time(T-BUT), Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI), Oxford grading, osmolarity tests were measured for each individuals and compared with control group.


The study included 130 patients, comprising 90 diabetic patients and 40 healthy individuals. Of the 90 patients; 49 had not diabetic peripheric neuropathy, 41 had diabetic peripheric neuropathy. There was no statistically significant difference in the age between the groups. (p:0,001) In both neuropathy positive and negative groups, tear osmolarity was statistically significant increased compared with the control group (p:0,001, P:0,001) for the neuropathy negative and positive groups, respectively). The Schirmer test in the neuropathy positive group was increased significantly compared with both the neuropathy negative and control groups (p:0,001, p:0,001; respectively). No statistically significant differences were observed between patient groups for tear film break-up time and Ocular Surface Disease Index scores (p:0,323, p:0,162 respectively)


In conclusion, we have shown that dry eye syndrome is particularly common in patients with type 2 diabetes who have PN, and it is associated with reduced corneal sensitivity. Corneal hypoesthesia reduces patient's symptoms, and dry eye syndrome might be asymptomatic and insidious. Diabetes is a systemic disease that cause dry eye syndrome; the presence of neuropathy increases the severity of dry eye symptoms. We suggest that patients with PN be screened for dry eye syndrome and probably treated long-term for the prevention of ocular surface damage.

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