Cross-linked sodium hyaluronate implant for glaucoma surgical treatment: outcome after 4 years
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Session Details
Session Title: Glaucoma II
Session Date/Time: Tuesday 08/09/2015 | 08:00-10:30
Paper Time: 09:48
Venue: Room 17
First Author: : C.Castella Capsir FRANCE
Co Author(s): : M. Petrescu P. Santiago
Abstract Details
To compare the efficacy of a crosslinked sodium hyaluronate drainage implant (Healaflow®) in penetrating deep sclerectomy (DS) with standard non penetrating DS.
Glaucoma Department, Ophtalliance Group, Clinique Sourdille, Nantes, France.
140 eyes from 110 patients were operated, 62 eyes with a non penetrating DS technique + Mitomycin (MMC) (group 1) and 78 eyes with DS + MMC + Healaflow® (group 2). After a mean follow-up of 40 months, the two groups were evaluated in terms of final intraocular pressure (IOP), mean number of antiglaucoma medications post-op and number of reinterventions such as needlings, goniopunctures or re-operations (DS or trabeculectomy).
After 6 months follow-up, IOP for group 1 was 16,14+/-4,68mmHg versus 13,36+/-3,71mmHg in group 2. Bleb needlings 22eyes(35,5%) in group 1 versus 18eyes(23.1%) in group 2.
After 4 years follow-up, final IOP for group 1 was 14,6+/-2,98mmHg versus 13,8+/-3,98mmHg in group 2. The mean number of antiglaucoma medications after surgery was 0,64+/-0,83 in group 1 and 0,34+/-0,53 in group 2. In terms of reinterventions, 27eyes(44%) of group 1 had goniopunctures versus 36eyes(46%)in group 2. 22 eyes(35,5%) had bleb needlings in group 1 versus 21 eyes(27%) in group 2. A 16% of group 1 had goniopuncture plus needling compared 21,79% in group 2. Finally, the number of reoperations (wether an iterative DS or trabeculectomy) was 4,8% versus 3,84%.
We observed a significant difference in IOP and bleb needlings requirements between the two groups in the first 6 months follow-up. However, this gap decreases over the 4 years of follow-up. This can be explained by the depletion of Healaflow® over the first few months after surgery.
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