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Enabling candidates for professional military service using excimer laser refractive surgery

Poster Details

First Author: M.Resan SERBIA

Co Author(s):    M. Vukosavljevic   D. Stevanovic   B. Pajic        

Abstract Details


To show the importance of excimer laser refractive surgery in the full recovery of candidates for professional military service.


Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia.


According to the existing Rulebook, those candidates who have a value of myopia under -2.0Dsph, a value of myopic astigmatism under -2.0Dcyl, a value of hyperopia under +3.0Dsph and a value of hyperopic astigmatism under +3.0Dcyl are capable for professional military service, as well as candidate with 12 months past a successfully performed refractive surgical procedure. In our clinic for the purpose of ametropia correction we apply LASIK or PRK method using Wavelight Allegretto 400Hz excimer laser. During LASIK a Moria microkeratome (SBK) is used to create a flap and for PRK we remove corneal epithelium with Amoils rotational brush.


During 2012, 51 candidates were operated in our clinic for professional military service. Twelve months after the intervention we achieved such a correction of ametropia with all the candidates making them capable for professional service in the Army of Serbia. Through a series of cases we present the correction of myopia, myopic astigmatism and hyperopia using excimer laser refractive surgery with candidates for professional military service.


LASIK and PRK methods can be successfully used for enabling candidates for professional military service respecting provisions of the existing Rulebook. Application of excimer laser refractive surgery positively affects the adequate filling of the Serbian Army with quality staff. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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