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Visual outcomes and quality of vision after Epithelial Bowman keratectomy as a method of Myopia and Myopic astigmatism correction

Poster Details

First Author: E.Mrukwa-Kominek POLAND

Co Author(s):    B. Buba‚a-Stachowicz   P. Kucharzewski   A. Urgacz-Lechowicz        

Abstract Details


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of Epithelial Bowman Keratectomy (EBK) in patients with myopia and myopic astigmatism.


Department of Ophthalmology, University Center of Ophthalmology and Oncology, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland


The analyzed group consists of 120 patients with myopia and myopic astigmatism, who underwent EBK in the Refractive Surgery Unit. There were 58 women and 62 man, mean age 27,4. Observation time was 12 -24 months. Uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), best corrected distance visual acuity (BCDVA), keratometry, pachymetry, refractometry, IOP were examined. Patients subjective satisfaction questionnaire were also estimated. These measurements were carried out before the procedure, 1 month, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after the surgery


Spherical equivalent before the procedure ranged from -1.5 to -7.0 D, mean 3.68 D. The differences in the analyzed group before and 24 months following the surgery were: refractometry -2,68 Dsph and -0,48 Dcyl before and 0,1 Dsph and -0,28 Dcyl after the procedure, UDVA 0,13 before and 1,0 after EBK, pachymetry 561,21 μm before and 509,21 μm after the procedure, maximum keratometry was 44,55 D before and 41,98 after the surgery. Patients satisfaction questionnaire change significantly after the procedure.


According to our experience, refractive surgery procedure such as EBK in 24 month follow-up is characterized by high safety, efficiency and stability. The quality of vision is very high. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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