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Comparison of total corneal refractive power zones measured by Scheimpflug tomography to simulated keratometry
Poster Details
First Author: T.Kohnen GERMANY
Co Author(s): B. Tonn Y. Cubuk M. Shajari
Abstract Details
To evaluate differences between total corneal refractive power (TCRP) within specific zones to simulated keratometry (SimK).
Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Over 8000 eyes were measured by Scheimpflug tomography (Pentacam, Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar) at the Goethe-University Hospital in Frankfurt. 3818 showed no pathological signs like e.g. suspicious measurements in Belin-Ambrosio Display, were marked with “OK” by devices internal checking system and were included in this study. Eyes with SimK<39dpt or >49dpt were excluded. A vector analysis was performed for TCRP at 3, 4 and 5mm and compared to SimK.
SimK was in average 1.15 ± 0.9 dpt. TCRP was in average 1.13 ± 0.9 dpt at 3mm, 1.10 ± 0.9 dpt at 4mm and 1.09 ± 0.9 dpt at 5mm zone. When comparing SimK to TCRP 71.2% of eyes at 3mm, 83.5% at 4mm and 85.0% at 5mm had a difference of less than 0.25 dpt and 94.2% at 3mm, 99.1% at 4mm and 99.0% at 5mm had a difference of less than 0.5 dpt. Vector analysis showed a difference of 0.18 dpt at 178° between SimK and TCRP3 and 0.16 dpt at 178° for TCRP4.
Despite the fact that SimK is measured at 15° and topographically rather matches TCRP at the 3mm zone we found better correspondence to TCRP at the 4mm zone. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE