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Myopic LASIK visual rehabilitation: multicenter analysis of longitudinal outcomes up to 1 year

Poster Details

First Author: A.Kanellopoulos GREECE

Co Author(s):    M. Chalikia              

Abstract Details


To report evaluation of one-year myopic LASIK visual rehabilitation results using the Alcon/WaveLight Refractive Suite (FS200-femtosecond and EX500-Excimer lasers) from two independent centers.

Setting: Clinical and Research Eye Institute, Athens, Greece


59 myopic cases had LASIK at two independent centers (n1 =24 eyes, n2 =35 eyes). 11 eyes had myopia, 48 had myopia + astigmatism. Mean patient age was 33.3±9.22 years (19 to 60). The following examinations assessments were performed pre-(baseline) and post-operatively(PO): slit lamp examination, visual acuity (uncorrected-UDVA, best-corrected-CDVA , monocular/binocular, performed with EDTRS) and manifest refraction. (monocular/binocular), contrast sensitivity, keratometry, corneal topography and wavefront aberrometry. Baseline refraction was -4.25±2.33D sphere (-12.00 to -0.25) and -0.95±0.85D cylinder (-4.0 to 0.0). Baseline UDVA (OU) was 1.024±0.43 LogMAR (0.0 to 2.0).


For OD, mean baseline CDVA was -0.046±0.086 LogMAR. Post-operative UDVA was 0.043±0.147, -0.021±0.127, -0.024±0.112, -0.041±0.098 and -0.059±0.127 LogMAR at Day-1, 1-month, 3-months, 6-months and 12-months. For OS, mean baseline CDVA was -0.042 LogMAR. Post-operative UDVA was 0.038±0.118, -0.029±0.113, -0.027±0.113, -0.045±0.112 and -0.067±0.099 LogMAR respectively. At 1 month 59.3% of eyes had no change in CDVA, 22.0% of eyes gained 1 -line and 5.1% gained 2- lines. At 12 months 35.6% of eyes had no change in CDVA, 50.0% of eyes gained 1- line and 7.6% gained 2- lines.


This study documents and confirms extensive myopic LASIK longitudinal outcome analysis indicating safety and efficacy from two independent centers. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: One or more of the authors travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented

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