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Incidence of posterior vitreous detachment after Femtosecond LASIK compared to microkeratome LASIK

Poster Details

First Author: M.Hamed EGYPT

Co Author(s):    M. El-Agha   N. Khalil           

Abstract Details


To compare the incidence of posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) after femtosecond LASIK and microkeratome LASIK.


Rowad Correction Centre, Egypt (Private center affiliated to Cairo university)


Prospective, controlled, non-randomized comparative study was performed at a single laser centre. Eligible patients choose between femtosecond LASIK and microkeratome LASIK after appropriate counseling. B-scan ultrasonography was done before surgery by a single operator. Patients with pre-existing PVD ( partial or complete) were excluded. Axial length was also recorded. All surgery was performed by a single surgeon. During surgery, suction time was measured. Ultrasonography was repeated one month after surgery by the same operator to detect PVD.


Ten patients (20 eyes, group M) underwent LASIK using Moria M-2 microkeratome, and Ten patients (20 eyes, group F) underwent femtosecond LASIK with IFS-150. In groups M and F respectively the proportion of females was 80% and 70%, and the mean age was 24.7 years ± 4 and 25.7 years ± 3.3 years, the mean axial length was 24.2 ± 1.2 and 23.8 ± 1.2 mm, and the mean suction time was 18 ± 2 and 63 ± 4 seconds. After surgery PVD was detected in 4 eyes (20%) in group M and 17 eyes (85%) in group F (p=0.000044).


The incidence of PVD (partial or complete) one month after femtosecond LASIK with Intralase FS-150 was higher than after microkeratome LASIK with Moria M-2. This may be due to longer duration of suction during femtosecond LASIK, even though the suction pressure is lower during the femtosecond procedure. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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