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PanOptix trifocal IOL initial clinical results
Poster Details
First Author: K.Gundersen NORWAY
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Abstract Details
The purpose of this study is to obtain postoperative data on subjective refraction, near, intermediate and distance visual acuity and defocus curves for patients with bilateral implantation of the Acrysof PanOptix IOL.
Private Eye Clinic in Haugesund, Norway
Single-centered non-comparative open-labelled prospective study. It is planned to obtain 24 evaluable subject data sets. A total number of 30 patients will be recruited to account for a 20% dropout rate. Follow up visits at Day 1, Week 1 and Week 12-14 after surgery.
Retrospective study of the first 50 Acrysof PanOptix IOL`s implanted bilaterally at our clinic. Refractive goal was emmetropia in both eyes.
Main study parameters were monocular and binocular uncorrected visual acuity at near, intermediate and at distance. Rest-refractive errors and best-corrected visual acuity were also tabulated to establish the precision and safety of this lens.
A defocus curve was calculated 12 to 14 weeks after surgery. A subjective questionnaire assessed the overall patient's satisfaction and the amount of photic phenomena after surgery.
Acrysof PanOptix IOL were very well accepted with high rate of patient satisfaction and low rate of visual side effects. Acrysof PanOptix IOL showed a very narrow range of refractive variation and a wide range of satisfactory visual acuity at near, intermediate and at distance.