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Flexivue microlens for emmetropes and concurrent LASIK

Poster Details

First Author: V.Feingold USA

Co Author(s):    V. Tasso              

Abstract Details


To examine the results of 275 patients undergone implantation of Flexivue Microlens and evaluate the improvement in near vision.


Multicenter study located in Japan, Greece, Ireland, Czech Republic and Italy.


A retrospective analysis of 275 patients aged 40 to 65 who were first screened for acceptable monovision treatment, using contact lens and then undergone implantation of Flexivue Microlens in the non-dominant eye in a pocket. A pocket was created using a femtosecond laser at the depth of 300 microns in the cornea. 108 Patients undergone LASIK either before or concurrently to the implantation. Evaluation of visual acuity and refraction were done before and after surgery and followed for at least 6 months. Other safety parameters were also evaluated


The average improvement of near visual acuity was from 0.63 LogMAR to 0.17 LogMAR after implantation for emmetropes and post LASIK, while for concurrent with LASIK, the visual acuity improved from 0.85 LogMAR to 0.28 LogMAR. The residual refraction for distance was -0.19 D, while for near the refraction was +0.36 D. After surgery A few patients had minor haze which was treated with steroids and some patients experienced glare and halos. No change in endothelial cell counts and no increase in IOP were noted.


Implantation of Flexivue Microlens in presbyopic patients is effective in reducing the need for reading glasses with no significate effect on safety. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: One or more of the authors gains financially from product or procedure presented, One or more of the authors is employed by a for-profit company with an interest in the subject of the presentation, One or more of the authors has significant investment interest in a competing company

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