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Tecnis Symfony® IOLs: near to the optic physics perfection?

Poster Details

First Author: L.Costa PORTUGAL

Co Author(s):    R. Proenca   A. Vicente   A. Santos   J. Ferreira   D. Amado   J. Cunha

Abstract Details


The Tecnis Simfony® Intra-Ocular Lens with an extended focal point are the new challenge in presbyopia and they are an alternative for other well Known types of intra-ocular lens, such as: monofocal or multifocal lens. It is already understood their roll in decreasing halos, glare and chromatic aberration.


The authors have studied the potential benefit of Tecnis Symfony® lens with follow up to 3 months.


Twenty-one patients (average age of 71±5.2ears) with cataracts were implanted with Tecnis Symfony Lens and the authors have evaluated the improvement of visual acuity at near, intermediate and far vision and symptoms satisfaction after surgery in comparison to Tecnis Monofocal® control group.


A significant improvement in distance and near vision was observed in postoperatively (p<0.01), with a reduction in spherical and cylindrical error (p<0.01), instead of the spectacle independence in near vision is lower than in distance vision. Mean postoperative uncorrected near visual acuity was 0.8 (±0.15) and uncorrected distance visual acuity was 0.5 (±0.11). The light distortion principles, halos and glare, were significantly lower in the Symfony group.


The Tecnis Symfony® provides a good visual outcome at near, intermediate and distance and an improvement of visual symptoms comparatively with other lens. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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