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Paired eye comparison of Epi Bowman Keratectomy (EBK) vs alcohol assisted (AA) PRK surgery
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First Author: J.Ashar INDIA
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Abstract Details
To compare EBK (Epi-Clear, Orca Surgical) with alcohol-assisted PRK in paired eye setting for time of epithelial healing, haze, patient comfort and outcome.
Mumbai Eye Care, Cornea and LASIK Centre, India.
10 low to moderate myopes( -0.75 to -5.0) with astigmatism (0 to -1.75) underwent PRK. Epithelium removal was done using EBK in one eye & alcohol in other. Followup was on day 1, 3, 5, 7 & 15 and evaluated by independent observer
Mean epithelial defect size EBK & AA on day 1 -4.6mm & 5.8 mm, day 3- 2.1 mm & 3.5mm, day 5- 0 and 0.3 mm. Complete healing seen at day 7. Anterior stromal haze was seen in AA eyes. Patient pain score (0 to 10) for EBK & AA on day 1- 5 & 8, day 3 -2 & 4 and day 5-0 & 2. At day 7, visual acuity improved to mean 0.9 in both.
EBK is a better substitute to alcohol assisted PRK.Healing with EBK was faster & left no haze. EBK offered better patient comfort. EBK was also faster and being single use device, avoided use of additional instruments required to be sterilized for AA and prevents potential side effects of alcohol spillage onto conjunctival epithelium. A new technique of Epi Bowman Keratectomy using a single use device may offer benefits over alcohol in terms of faster healing. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE