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Endophthalmitis and phtisis bulbi: a complication of radial keratotomy (RK)

Poster Details

First Author: Y.Almegbel SAUDI ARABIA

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Abstract Details


To illustrate one of the serious complication of simple procedure (RK),which can lead to Phtisis Bulbi.


Case report of endophthalmitis 2 weeks after RK surgery done in onther clinic.


Case report of 45 year old lady who presented with signs and symptoms of endophthalmitis 2 weeks after RK surgery done in onther clinic.A full thickness RK incision resulted in endophthalmitis.


The infection was controlled with vitrectomy and IV antibiotics,But the eye ended up in Phtisis Bulbi with a final NLP vision.


RK carries the risk of serios ocular infections in addition to other complications.These complications are rare but can not be prevented.Safer surgical techniques such as Laser refractive surgery should replace RK today. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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