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Outcomes of Femtosecond implantation of intracornea rings in moderate keratoconus using a Q- value adjusted normogram

Poster Details

First Author: A.Sherif EGYPT

Co Author(s):                  

Abstract Details


To evaluate the outcome of femtosecond laser- enabled intra-corneal ring segments implantation for the management of moderate keratoconus utilizing a normogram adjusted according to the Corneal Q-value.


Dar El-Oyoun Eye hospital Rowad Cornea Center Giza, Egypt


Interventional randomized case-control study: Patients with grade 2-3 keratoconus (Amsler -Krumeich classification ) underwent implantation of 1 or 2 intracorneal ring segments (Kera-rings) using the FS 200 Laser (Alcon). Segment size & thickness was chosen according to Corneal Q-value obtained from Pentacam HR maps(Oculus Gmbh) in group A (23 eyes) or Manufacturer normogram (Group B, 17 eyes) UCVA, BSCVA and pentacam data were evaluated. Follow up period: 6 months


Both groups were associated with a statistical improvement of UCVA &BSCVA. QQ-value adjusted intra-corneal ring implantation was associated with better UCVA & BSCVA than conventional normograms.Larger case series are needed to confirm these results.


Q-value adusted intra-corneal ring implantation may be the way to go in intra-corneal ring segments surgery. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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