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Use of anterior segment OCT to differentiate between microsporidial keratitis from adenoviral keratitis

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First Author: R.Rajabli INDIA

Co Author(s):    R. Swarup   K. Kvr           

Abstract Details


To describe a non invasive method to differentiate these two clinically similar conditions


Swarup Eye Centre, Hyderabad, Telangana, India


We describe a case where treatment with topical steroids was started as it was initially thought to be adenoviral keratitis, which worsened. Then anterior segment OCT was done to differentiate epithelial hyperreflectivity without involvement of stroma in Microsporidial keratitis from subepithelial infiltrates of adenoviral keratitis which show anterior stromal reflectivity. Corneal scrapings were sent for Acid fast staining and the presence of Microsporidia was confirmed.


Identified as Microsporidial keratitis and was treated accordingly.The condition improved by the new line of management.


Useful noninvasive alternative tool to differentiate Microsporidial keratitis from Adenoviral keratitis thereby helping clinician to identify the condition in the clinic avoiding microbiological investigations. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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