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First clinical reports on the application of the modern dual-polymer formula in aqueous deficiency dry eye syndrome: Polish observations

Poster Details

First Author: E.Mrukwa-Kominek POLAND

Co Author(s):    K. Baranska   K. Jadczyk           

Abstract Details


Assessment of the effectiveness of the hydration eye drops based on the dual-polymer formula containing HP-Guar and hyaluronic acid in patients with the dry eye syndrome and deficiency of the aqueous phase. Indication of the benefits resulting from using these eye drops


Department of Ophthalmology, University Center of Ophthalmology and Oncology, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland


Twenty patients (40 eyes) aged 31 to 67 (mean age 46,73 ) with the dry eye syndrome and deficiency of the aqueous phase were enrolled into the study. The eye drops Systane Hydration (Alcon, USA) were administered 5 times per day for 28 - 56 days (mean application time 28,73 days). The assessment of the eye drops effectiveness was based on: (1) alterations of the tear film stability (Schirmer test, break-up-time BUT, corneal staining), (2) subjective symptoms, (3) intensity of discomfort, (4) quality of life, and (5) changes in the structure of the cornea verified in a confocal microscope.


There was no statistically significant changes in visual acuity and intraocular pressure. Mean OSDI was 45 and 21.09 before and after therapy, respectively, showing statistically significant reduction. Schirmer test result was 16.86 before and increased significantly up to 17.18 after treatment. First BUT interruption was 12.74, next 13.54 sec. BUT increased to 16.31 and 17.90, respectively. The confocal microscope revealed: obliterated epithelial cells, atrophic nerve fibres, anterior stroma background blurring, low-grade endothelium pleomorphism and polymegathism, disordered arrangement of keratinocytes. After 28 days of treatment the changes in the anterior part, especially in the corneal epithelium, were less severe


Application of the eye drops resulted in: (1) increase of the stability of the tear film (verified with Schirmer test, BUT, corneal staining), (2) reduction of subjective symptoms, (3) improvement of comfort and quality of life, and (4) beneficial changes in the structure of the cornea confirmed by the confocal microscope FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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