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Multicomponet management strategy biomechanical and optical parameters of the cornea for the treatment of keratoconus

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First Author: M.Ismailov -0

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Abstract Details


Tactics of treatment of keratoconus (at the present stage) - is sequence of application of medical technology, aimed at stabilizing the changes in the cornea and restore visual acuity. At the same time, it is focusing on the fact to avoid or maximally postpone the corneal transplantation


Department of Ophthalmology with Postgraduate Course of Daghestan State Medical Academy, Eye Clinic High Technology, Makhachkala, RUSSIA


Total were operated 36 patients (46 eyes). The age of patients varied from 12 to 37 years old. Patients with keratoconus 1-2-th degree (by Amsler) was 4, 2-3-th degree - 19, 3-4-th degree - 13. The main diagnostic methods were computed corneal topography and optical coherence tomography of the cornea. Partial photorefractive keratectomy performed on the excimer laser system Allegretto Wave Eye-Q (WaveLight AG). For cross-linking of corneal collagen was used a system of UV radiation UV-X 1000 (IROC AG). All operations and diagnostic tests performed in the Eye Clinic 'High Technology'.


Results of operation were high and stable: visual acuity without additional correction increased in 83% of patients. In 17% of cases visual acuity remained unchanged objectively, but subjectively patients reported improved vision. Cases, loss of visual acuity after surgery was not. In the late postoperative period (more than 1 year) in all cases was marked the stabilization of this indicator. According to the results of computer corneal topography in 36% of cases, there is the phenomenon of improving the pattern that indicates the conversion to lighter degree of keratoconus. The progression of keratoconus in any case, has not been fixed


Developed by us a method of combined treatment of keratoconus (photorefractive keratectomy followed by cross-linking of corneal collagen) showed himself a real and viable alternative to traditional surgical treatment – through the optical keratoplasty associated with a whole range of post-operative risks. High optical results and stabilization (and in 36% of cases - a regression of keratoconus) in the postoperative period, for a period of observation one year or more, helps us to present this technology as a method of choice for any degree of keratoconus, including the III and IV FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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