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Single site clinical experience using a nonrefractive corneal inlay for the treatment of presbyopia

Poster Details

First Author: B.Cochener FRANCE

Co Author(s):                  

Abstract Details


To report the experiences and early clinical outcomes of my patients implanted with the Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay (ReVision Optics, Inc, Lake Forest, CA) for the correction of presbyopia


Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest – CHU, Brest Cedex, France


Commercial registry of presbyopes implanted with the Raindrop Inlay in the non-dominant eye under a femtosecond flap. Manifest refraction, visual acuities at distance and near, and a patient satisfaction questionnaire were collected at 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 4 months postoperatively.


Interim data at 4 months (n=7), the mean age was 53.5 years (range: 48-58) with pre-operative MRSE of +0.36 D. 71% of patients achieved uncorrected near visual acuities of 0.5 or better both monocularly and binocularly. Binocularly all patients had visual acuities of 0.5 or better at distance. All patients were satisfied with their near vision postoperatively.


The Raindrop Inlay yielded good early visual outcomes showing that the majority of patients see 0.5 or better for near vision and all patients see 0.5 or better for binocular distance vision. Initial results show promise for this inlay technology commercially in my practice. Additional patient enrollment and long-term outcomes are needed to corroborate with published results. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: One or more of the authors research is funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented, One or more of the authors travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented

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