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Results of surgical rehabilitation of patients with aphakia

Poster Details

First Author: G.Zhurgumbayeva KAZAKHSTAN

Co Author(s):    L. Tashtitova   R. Botabekov           

Abstract Details


To estimate results of surgical rehabilitation of patients with aphakia


Joint stock company 'Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases', Kazakhstan, Almaty


We received 93 patients with aphakia. First Group – 44 patients, operated on traumatic cataract. Visus at admission was in average 0,02. Post primary implantation of IOL on 26 eyes and TSF - 18 eyes. Second– 27 patients, operated on congenital cataract at age in average 17,18. Visus at admission was in average 0,04. Surgical measures included secondary implantation IOL on 23 patients and TSF on 4 eyes. Third – 22 patients, operated because of complicated cataract at age in average 70,68. Visus at admission was in average 0,03. Secondary implantation - on 18 eyes and TSF on 4 eyes.


In First Group visus after the surgery was in average 0,1. Low visus was connected with presence of central post traumatic sword-cut of the corneal at 21 eye and operated CV at 4 eyes, as well as because development of the glaucoma at 1 patient. In Second Group visus was in average 0,17. Low visual activity was connected with presence of amblyopia 23 patients, as well as operated CV at 4 patients. In Third Group visus after the surgery was in average 0,26. Low visual activity was connected with presence of AMD 20 patients, and CV at 1 patient.


Functional and anatomic result was achieved at all the patients. The biggest quantity of the post primary IOL implantation with TSF (18 eyes) and reconstructive operations was held in the First Group, whereas in the Second and Third Groups there were only 4 cases, and reconstructive operations there were held 9 and 4 correlatively. Improvement of the Visual Activity was achieved in all the groups, at 6 patients remained at the same level, what is connected with presence of the operated CV and advanced stage of glaucoma. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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