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Simultaneous cataract and glaucoma surgery

Poster Details

First Author: A.Veselinovic SERBIA

Co Author(s):                  

Abstract Details


The presence of coexisting cataract and glaucoma poses a special problem both for the patient and ophthalmologist because of many dilemmas, controversies and challenges. Should the combined cataract and glaucoma surgery be suggested to the patient, or should the two procedures be separated? There are no rigid standards for when cataract surgery and glaucoma procedures should be combined, and one cannot be dogmatic about the indications for this surgery.


This paper deals with different approaches by experts from this field, presenters’ personal experiences on how to decide which surgery to choose - combined cataract and glaucoma surgery or the separate one.


We present the case of a patient in whom combined phacoemulsion cataract surgery and trabeculectomy was performed, followed by the discussion on advantages and disadvantages of this technique.


Once the decision to perform combined surgery has been made, the question is whether to perform a single-site or a two-site surgery. Pre-operative evaluation of the patient is of extreme importance before the decision for combined surgery is made.


Achieving good visual acuity outcomes after cataract surgery and well-controlled IOP as well are the most important goals for the surgeon. The surgeon has to decide which surgery approach is best to perform. Most authors believe two-site surgery has some advantages in terms of less post-operative complications. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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