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The incidence and outcome of post-cataract surgery cystoid macular oedema (CMO) in an ethnically diverse and predominantly diabetic population
Poster Details
First Author: F.Tsogkas UK
Co Author(s): S. Patra N. Kopsachilis
Abstract Details
To investigate the rate and outcome of cystoid macular oedema (CMO) following cataract surgery in an ethnically diverse and predominantly diabetic population.
The Eye treatment centre, Whipps Cross University Hospital, Bartshealth NHS Trust, London, UK.
The electronic records of 262 eyes who had uncomplicated cataract surgery in our retina service firm were analysed retrospectively. No eyes received routine post-operative prophylaxis with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) eye drops. Eyes that developed post-operative CMO were treated with a course of ketorolac and dexamethasone 0.1 % eye drops for 6-8 weeks.
Our main outcome measures included: (1) Rate of post-operative CMO in the total study population and defined sub-groups (2) Final visual acuity outcome in eyes that developed post-operative CMO.
There was a history of diabetes in 57%(149/262) of eyes and 58%(152/262) were of Afro-Caribbean and minority ethnic groups (BME). The rest (113/262 and 110/262 respectively) served as a control group.
The overall post-operative CMO rate was 7.63%. In eyes with no history of diabetes the post-operative CMO rate was 3.5%. In the sub-group of eyes with pre-operative diabetic retinopathy and normal optical coherence tomogram of the macula a higher rate of 13% post-operative CMO was seen. In BME sub-group the post-operative CMO rate was 10.5%.
Of the eyes that developed post-operative CMO 90% achieved ≥6/12 acuity after treatment.
The rate of post-operative CMO was higher in diabetic patients and patients from the BME population. The majority of eyes treated with NSAID eye drops for post-operative CMO achieved a good final visual outcome. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE