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Optical quality after implanation of the TECNIS Symphony ® IOL

Poster Details

First Author: A.Toso ITALY

Co Author(s):    S. Morselli              

Abstract Details


To evaluate the post operative visual and optical quality of the eye implanted with this type of multifocal IOL.


San Bassiano Hospital, Bassano del Grappa (VI), Italy


We considered 56 eyes of 28 patients affected by cataract, mean age was 76,7 ±3,65 years. After 1st month post operative best corrected distance visual acuity and distance-corrected near visual acuity was evaluated . All eyes underwent pre-operative corneal aberrations analysis with KR-W1 Topcon™ aberrometer. After 1st month, pre and post operative corneal aberrations were compared. Also post operative total ocular, high order and corneal aberrations were separately considered to determine the post operative high order aberrations and spherical aberration Z(4,0) induced by this IOL at 4 mm pupil diameter. PSF was evaluated by OQAS™ Visiometrics™


post operative best corrected distance visual acuity was 0,096±0,012 log MAR , distance corrected near visual acuity at 40 cm was 0,165±0,066 log MAR and pre operative corneal aberrations were 0,725±0,06 μ RMS post operative corneal aberrations were 0,726 ±0 ,07. Post operative total ocular High order aberrations were 0,3945±0,10 ,internal High horder aberrations were0,043±0,008 micron at 4 mm. Internal spherical aberration were -0,025±0,007 μ. PSF measured by OQAS were 0,6±0,02 .


This type of IOL give to the patient high quality of visual acuity both for distant and near vision. High order aberrations and spherical aberrations are not increased by this IOL. Ocular total high order aberrations are less than high order corneal aberrations, this means that this IOL compensate high order natural corneal aberrations. Negative spherical aberrations Z(4,0) induced by this IOL is less than monofocal Tecnis IOL. PSF is very high close to a young normal eye. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: One or more of the authors travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a competing company

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