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Ιntraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS): correlation with the use of antidepressant medications – a case series

Poster Details

First Author: T.Stauropoulou GREECE

Co Author(s):    P. Dimitrakas   D. Pagoulatos   I. Georgalas        

Abstract Details


The aim of this study is the correlation of the appearance of intraoperative floppy-iris syndrome (IFIS) in patients who underwent cataract surgery undergoing treatment with a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA), in specific Clomipramine.


A’ Ophthalmology Department, University of Athens


The study included 3 eyes of patients who underwent phacoemulsification. All patients had a known history of receiving therapy for depression for an average of 10 years. During the time of surgery none of the patients discontinued the usage of clomipramine


In a total of 3 eyes, intraoperative floppy-iris syndrome (IFIS) showed 2 patients (67 %). Intracameral adrenaline was injected, however the miosis and floppy iris did not improve appreciably. In one of the patients phacoemulsification continued and the Iol was placed successfully , on the second patient iris hooks were used in order for the phacoemulsification to continue.


Taking therapy for the treatment of depression , in specific Clomipramide which leads to chronic blockage of α-1 ARs of pupillary dilator muscle, which might result in atrophy of the iris stroma and hence can lead to the occurrence of IFIS. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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