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A universal IOL calculator

Poster Details

First Author: S.Sayegh USA

Co Author(s):                  

Abstract Details


To identify limitations of existing calculators and provide a truly universal solution to the calculation of powers for all types of IOLs including spherical and toric lenses


Research and surgical clinics with multiple users worldwide


After an evaluation of existing IOL calculators for sphere as well as toric IOL calculations by IOL manufacturers and other developers, a universal calculator was developed addressing the limitations inherent to a number of the existing approaches. This calculator was tested against individual modules of other calculators and used for calculations on hundreds of cataract patients.


On a number of standard computational modules there was excellent concordance. For example the sphere calculations in Hoffer Q and Holladay 1 and the cross cylinder calculation required for toric IOLs tend to coincide. There were significant differences in other areas, including some sphere calculations in critical areas as well as prediction of the proper toric IOL for patients with significant refractive error and astigmatism.


A universal approach taking advantage of the best of all worlds can yield excellent results. These results can guide manufacturers to better methods and cataract surgeons to better refractive results. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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