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Long term follow-up after multi-component intraocular lens implantation
Poster Details
First Author: D.Portaliou GREECE
Co Author(s): G. Kymionis C. Skatharoudi D. Liakopoulos I. Pallikaris
Abstract Details
This report documents the seven year follow up of the initial clinical evaluation of InfiniteVision Optics® multi component intraocular lens (MC - IOL) implantation.
Institute of Vision and Optics (VEMMO - IVO), University of Crete
In this long term follow - up, four patients with mean age 69.2± 9.1 years (range from 57 to 79 years) were included. Two patients included in the initial evaluation were lost to follow-up. All patients had undergone routine cataract surgery and MC – IOL implantation seven years ago. The primary objectives of this long term follow - up were to evaluate the incidence of interlenticular fibrosis, refractive stability of the multi-component lens and any long-term complications.
There were no long - term postoperative complications. There was no presence of interlenticular fibrosis. There was no statistical significant difference in the endothelial cell density, anterior chamber depth and pachymetry readings preoperatively and 7 years postoperatively. Anterior segment OCT figures showed stability of the lens position. No patient lost lines of Corrected Distance Visual Acuity.
No posterior capsule opacification was present in any of the patients included in the study and there were no transillumination defects indicative of pigment dispersion.
MC - IOL implantations are easy and safe procedures that result in excellent visual recovery in the long term. No cases of interlenticular fibrosis developed in our case series. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE