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IOL dislocation as one of the complications in phacoemulsification of cataract surgery: case report

Poster Details

First Author: L.Perez MACEDONIA

Co Author(s):                  

Abstract Details


Of many possible complications of cataract surgery with the method of Phacoemulsification of the lens, the dislocation of the IOL into the vitreous body is one of the most difficult complications of Phaco cataract surgery. There are numerous reported cases of dislocated IOL in vitreous cavity, where it lies over the retina. This can happen in the early or late postoperative period and can be managed in various ways. The purpose of this abstract is to show the possible complication of cataract phacoemulsification and its consequence , management and treatment.


This case represents a women aged 74, who has performed cataract surgery on the left eye. Visual acuity before the operation was 1/60 without correction.Preoperative, operative and postoperative course went completely normally, without any deviations from the regular protocol. During the operation intraocular lens See Lens HP+23 Dsph is implanted.


In this case posterior dislocation of the IOL occur shortly after cataract surgery within 2 weeks. In such a cases, posterior capsular rupture or zonular dialysis usually is present. The implants are submitted well in the posterior part of the eye ball, same as there are tolerated in the front part of the eye, an inflammatory reaction of the lens is very rare. The IOL is rarely dislocates completely over the retinal surface. It usually lies meshed into anterior vitreous, which was in our case. The lenses can persist for many years in the vitreous body without causing problems.


In our case for long period has been no increase in intraocular pressure ,vitreous hemorrhage ,rupture or retinal detachment, cystoid macular edema. On many occasions it does not cause any complications and may be left alone in the patient is able to use aphakic spectacles or contact lenses. Although some studies have noted that the incidence of the mentioned significantly increases the length of persistence of dislocated IOL in the eye.Therefore, many surgeons are opting to remove the intra ocular lens from the vitreus. One approach is to remove the dislocated lens and replace it with another anterior chamber IOL.


Another approach is a performance of Pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), by moving the lens forward and fixating into the sclera or irirs. The advantage of this method is that it uses the same lens, but is more complicated for the surgeon. In this case there has been no deterioration of the state more than 6 months , visual acuity of the patient with correction of +13.0 Dsph was 0.8 to 0.9. For long time period, we will follow up the condition of the patient. Visual outcome after vitrectomy and IOL repositioning is usually good. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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