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Correcting extremely high myopia combining standard with advanced IOL technique for a life without glasses (case study)

Poster Details

First Author: S.Paulig GERMANY

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Abstract Details


Finding a new solution for patients with high refractive error for a life without glasses


- Patient 67 years old, female, high refractive error; - Very unhappy and depressed with poor vision in both eyes; - uncorrected: hand movements only; - corrected: OD 0.05; OS hand movements; - Difficult conditions: cataracta nigra; high myopia AL >32 mm; AMD - Turned away by other institutions


- Phacoemulsification in both eyes - Implantation of +10.0 dpt Light Adjustable Lens into both eyes (+10.0 dpt is the lowest commercially available power of the LAL). - Patient would have needed OD -1.0 dpt and OS -3.0 dpt. - Simulation of proposed treatment results with accessory lenses to demonstrate visual acuity and depth perception after proposed adjustment of the LAL - Adjustment of the LAL using Binovision principle (technique developed in our clinic) for seeing near, intermediate and far distances without glasses - Secondary implantation of piggyback lenses (Rayner) into both eyes to achieve full refractive compensation


Post-op refraction: - OD UCVA 0.7 (20/30) and ND I/J1-J2; - OS UCVA 0.1 (20/200) and ND X/J11 (AMD)


- Patient can see & work at all distances without glasses with right eye! - Patient is able to legally drive a car again! FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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