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The accuracy of intraocular lens calculation using partial coherence interferometry and ultrasound biometry

Poster Details

First Author: T.Mrakovic SERBIA

Co Author(s):    M. Stamenkovic   V. Jovanovic   P. Markovic   S. Babovic     

Abstract Details


To compare the postoperative outcomes of spherical refractive equivalent of patients undergoing cataract surgery with intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation performed by ultrasound biometry or partial coherence interferometry


The University Hospital Center Zvezdara, Ophthalmology Clinic Dr Ivan Stankovic, Belgrade, Serbia


Calculating the power of IOL was done using two methods: partial coherence interferometry and ultrasound biometry. Data is processed using SRK II formula and the corresponding IOL power is obtained. To compare the accuracy of the two methods, the spherical postoperative refractive equivalent was analyzed two months after the cataract surgery in 40 eyes of 29 patients. Using the ultrasound method, the IOL power was determined in 24 eyes, the measurement is performed with Optikon bioline instrument, and 16 eyes were measured using partial coherence interferometry on Haag-Streit Lenstar LS 900. Keratometry for ultrasound biometry was measured using autokeratometer.


The results obtained for each individual measurement have been statistically assessed and tabulated. The average error in determining IOL ultrasound biometry was 0.49 Dsph, while in case of the partial coherence interferometry the error was 0.27 Dsph.


The precision of IOL calculation is higher when using the partial coherence interferometry of measuring IOL compared to the results obtained by the ultrasound biometry. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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