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Uncorrected visual performance after bilateral implantation of a diffractive multifocal IOL with or without different near addition

Poster Details

First Author: M.Lingg AUSTRIA

Co Author(s):    A. Dexl   G. Grabner           

Abstract Details


To evaluate the uncorrected visual performance at Distance, Intermediate and Near after bilateral implantation of Tecnis 1-Piece diffractive multifocal IOLs (mIOL) with (dominant eye: ZKB with +2.75 D near add; fellow eye: ZLB with +3.25 D near add) or without different near addition (ZLB with +2.75 D near add).


Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, Department of Ophthalmology


Within a prospective randomized clinical trial 30 patients (60 eyes) received mIOLs of different near addition and 30 patients (60 eyes) without different near addition. Within the first 3 postoperative months following parameters have been evaluated: Uncorrected Visual Acuity at Distance, Intermediate and Near (UDVA, UIVA, UNVA) as well as Uncorrected Reading Ability (tested with the Salzburg Reading Desk (SRD)) at preferred Reading Distance. Additionally Defocus Curves, Contrast Sensitivity (CS) and Pupil size have been evaluated.


Whereas mean UDVA was the same in both groups (0.10 logMAR; ≈20/25), mean UIVA was better in the group without different near add (0.20 logMAR; ≈20/32), whereas mean UNVA was better with different near add (0.10 logMAR, ≈20/25). When testing Uncorrected Reading Ability with the SRD, patients could read equivalent print sizes with a comparable reading speed within both groups, whereas the preferred reading distance within the different near add group was shorter. Photopic and Mesopic CS showed similar results within both groups, and Defocus Curves showed better results in the intermediate range for the group without different near add.


Bilateral Tecnis mIOL Implantation enabled cataract patients to achieve functional uncorrected near vision from near to far. Combination of different near additions in eyes can increase depth of field and patient’s satisfaction. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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