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An alternative to the capsulorrhexis with a femtosecond laser

Poster Details

First Author: B.Kutchoukov BULGARIA

Co Author(s):    A. Andreynski   J. Timova   N. Botsevska        

Abstract Details


To produce a predictable repeatable well-centered continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis with a diameter of 5 mm when performing cataract phacoemulsification.


a small cohort study


On 20 consecutive eyes with cataract before the stage of capsulorrhexsis a specially designed silicone ring (Verus Capsulorhexis Device, Mile High Ophthalmics) was implanted in the anterior chamber. Along its inner edge serving as a guide a continuous round capsulorrhexis was performed.


There were no complications during the stage of capsulorrhexis. The produced openings of the anterior capsule were centered, round and with a predictable diameter of 5 mm.


The used calibrated silicone ring enables predictable repeatable and centered round capsulorrhexis with a diameter of 5 mm. It represents a reasonable alternative to the capsulorrhexis with a femtosecond laser. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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