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Customised toric intraocular lens implantation in pellucid marginal degeneration

Poster Details

First Author: I.Kilic Muftuoglu TURKEY

Co Author(s):    Z. Kayaarasi Ozturker              

Abstract Details


To evaluate the efficacy and short-term stability of customized toric IOL implantation (Acriva BB Toric, VSY, Turkey) in 3 eyes of 3 patients with cataract and high corneal astigmatism associated with pellucid marginal degeneration (PMD)


Istanbul Training and Research Hospital


Retrospective review of patients who had a diagnosis of PMD based on the slit-lamp findings and corneal topography. The manifest refraction, cylinder power of toric IOL, rotation, best corrected and uncorrected visual acuities (BCVA, UCVA) were noted.


The manifest refraction significantly decreased from +4.0 -8.75 x 90 to -0.50 -3.00x45 by +10 D cylinder toric IOL in case 1, from +2.0 -7.75 x 85 to -0.25 -2.50x90 with +11 D cylinder toric IOL in case-2 and from +5.75 -7.75 x 80 to -0.25x85 by IOL with 10.5 cylinder power at postoperative 6 month. In all eyes, UCVA and BCVA significantly improved. No rotation that required surgery for realignment was occurred.


Customized toric IOL implantation may be effective option to correct astigmatism in patients with PCD. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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