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Inadvertent trypan blue posterior capsule staining during cataract surgery
Poster Details
First Author: P.Gomez Faiña SPAIN
Co Author(s): X. Nunez Perez J. Gracia Martinez
Abstract Details
To report 1 case of inadvertent posterior capsule staining with trypan blue during phacoemulsification.
Hospital de Sabadell (CSPT), Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain.
One case of posterior capsule staining with trypan blue were identified from cataract surgery. These eye underwent phacoemulsification with use of iris retractors.
Eye had clinical evidence of pseudoexfoliation syndrome during their preoperative examination. No other intraoperative complications occurred and intraocular lens was successfully placed in the capsular bag. Eye had resolution of posterior capsule staining by postoperative day 1.
Inadvertent posterior capsule staining with trypan blue can occur in eyes with zonular pathology. Surgeons should consider techniques to minimize the risk of posterior capsule staining, particularly in cases involving the use of iris retractors. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE