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Foreign body intra-vitreous: spectacular evolution about a case report

Poster Details

First Author: A.Ghazza MOROCCO

Co Author(s):    H. Ahammou   I. Hajji   A. Moutaouakil        

Abstract Details


the aim of this work is to show the interest of emergency imaging when an intra ocular foreign body is suspected in order to locate it precisely and to orientate the therapeutic management.


ophthalmology department at the University Hospital Mohamed VI Marrakech Morocco


We report the case of a young adult of 23 years, without particular history, admitted to the emergency for eye trauma of the left eye after a pounding, causing a visual acuity loss with eye pain (visual acuity in the left eye at 8/10).


The examination of the anterior segment objectified 1mm wound clogged nasal, quiet anterior room, a normal intraocular pressure and beginner cataract. The examination of the eye fundus showed a retinal hemorrhage in average periphery supér-temporal, with intra vitreous superotemporal FB.24 hours later, orbital CT scan confirmed the presence of a radiopaque intralenticular FB .The clinical course was marked by the deterioration of visual acuity and cataract tabulation.In order to better explain this evolution a very high frequency ultrasound was performed. It has located the FB in the zonular fibers, and shows the presence of a posterior capsular rupture


Foreign bodies intralenticular are rare. They can go unnoticed when they are small or lack of golds evocative context. Their diagnosis is based on radiological assessment when associated with cataracts. The electroretinogram is necessary in the presence of a metallic foreign body. The extraction of the foreign body is not always indicated. Interest of preventive and protective eyewear to prevent work accidents. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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