Official ESCRS | European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons
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Femtophaco: taking the surgery to the next level

Poster Details

First Author: S.Garcia Delpech SPAIN

Co Author(s):    R. Diaz Cespedes   A. Hervas Ontiveros   P. Udaondo   D. Salom   A. Cisneros Lanuza  

Abstract Details


Femtosecond assisted laser cataract surgery provides surgeons an exciting new option to potentially improve patient outcomes and safety. We share our experience in Spain with this surgical technique.


The study was done at Universitary Hospital La Fe in Valencia


we present possible benefits over manual techniques including, better corneal wound construction, less surgically induced astigmatism, better centration and circularity of the anterior capsulorrhexis, lower phacoemulsification times and less phacoemulsification energy. These advantages may lead to better refractive outcomes.


The introduction of this technology has been accompanied by a host of new clinical, logistical and financial challenges for surgeons and ophthalmology practices.


The benefits of this technology should make it an essential tool in the future, provided that cataract surgery can be reconsidered logistically and economically. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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