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Clinical outcomes of trifocal toric lens implantation after cataract and RLE surgery

Poster Details

First Author: D.Garajova CZECH REPUBLIC

Co Author(s):    D. Barakova   D. Bujalkova   P. Stodulka        

Abstract Details


To assess visual and refractive outcomes, postoperative complications and subjective satisfaction after cataract surgery and refractive lens exchange (RLE) with trifocal FineVision Toric POD FT (Physiol) lens implantation combined with capsular tension ring implantation.


Gemini Eye Clinic, Prague, Czech Republic


Retrospective study of 16 eyes from 11 patients who underwent uncomplicated cataract surgery (11 eyes) and RLE surgery (5 eyes) with trifocal FineVision Toric POD FT lens implantation combined with capsular tension ring implantation. Capsular tension ring diameter was 12 mm in 14 eyes and 13 mm in 2 eyes. Mean patients age was 55±10,25 years (40;76 ). Mean postoperative follow-up period was 5,7 months. Uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA), preoperative and postoperative manifest astigmatism, postoperative complications and patients satisfaction determined by questionnaire were evaluated.


The mean monocular UDVA was 0,07± 0,19 logMAR, CDVA 0,00±0,03 logMAR and UNVA 0,02±0,2 logMAR. Preoperative astigmatism measured using IOL master was 2,67 ±0,87 D (1,28; 4,10). Mean postoperative manifest astigmatism was 0,40±0,50 D ( 0,00; 1,25). The reposition of the lens was not required for any of the eyes. One eye developed postoperative cystoid macular oedema which resolved after medical treatment. In one eye residual refractive error was corrected by refractive laser corneal surgery. 91% of patients are spectacle independent for distant, intermediate and near vision.


The implantation of trifocal toric lens FineVision Toric POD FT is an effective solution for patients with astigmatism seeking spectacle independence after cataract and RLE surgery. This lens provides excellent visual outcomes and high level of subjective satisfaction. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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